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Die Deutsch-Offensive-Kurse sind "klassische" Sprachkurse in Kooperation mit der Stadt Erlangen. Diese niederschwelligen Kurse sind für absolute Anfänger*innen (keine Sprachkenntnisse oder Sprachniveau A1) geeignet. Im geschützten kleinen Rahmen ist es oft der erste Versuch der zugewanderten Frauen und Männer, die deutsche Sprache systematisch zu erlernen und angstfrei zu sprechen. Im Vordergrund stehen der spielerische Umgang mit der deutschen Grammatik und der Konversation.

Diese nicht zertifizierenden Kurse werden oft als „Vorschule“ für weiterführende Sprachkurse mit abschließender Sprachprüfung bezeichnet. 
Parallel zu den Kursen wird eine kostenlose Kinderbetreuung angeboten.

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The Deutsch-Offensive courses are “classic” language courses in cooperation with the city of Erlangen.
These low-threshold courses are suitable for absolute beginners (no language knowledge or language level A1). In a protected enironment, it is often the first attempt for international women and men to learn the German language systematically and to speak it without fear.The focus is on the playful use of German grammar and conversation.

These non-certifying courses are often referred to as “preparation courses” for advanced language courses with a final language exam.
Free childcare is offered parallel to the courses.

about the German courses
"Deutsch-Offensive" Autumn 2024 
offered by Projekt Heimat ERlangen

We are a non-profit social organisation (Mütter- und Familientreff Erlangen e.V.) 

We only offer courses to adults living in Erlangen.

The courses are not suitable for teenagers and children.

You can attend only 1 course. 

Our courses are not integration courses.

Applications will be processed in a chronological order.

Conditions of Participation:

You must know the Latin alphabet
By Latin alphabet we mean that you can read and write in a language (e.g.: English, French etc.) that uses the Latin alphabet. If this is not the case, you will be not able to participate in our course.

You must be able to read and write
In any other case, you will rather need to take a literacy course before starting a classical language course. Such literacy courses are offered by the VHS in Erlangen, for example, but there are also other courses available. 

Our current courses:

Neue DOE Herbst 2024 Werbung .png

Course Fee:

  • The full price of the course (from October 2024 to February 2025) is 136 euros.

  • If you have an ErlangenPass, you pay only 50% (68 euros).

  • If you are a refugee in Germany, you pay only 50% (68 euros).

  • If you are married and both of you take part in the course, you pay only 50% (68 Euros).

  • In any case, you must pay in cash directly to the teacher on the first day of the course. 

  • You will only be officially registered for the course once you have paid the fee. 

  • If you leave the course, your fee will not be refunded. 


We also offer free childcare during the course hours. 
Please bring your child(ren) to the course on a regular basis.
Please do not bring your child(ren) to class if they have an infectious disease.


  • Each course takes place twice a week from October 2024 to February 2025.

  • There are no free trial lessons. 

  • There are no courses during the bavarian school holidays. 

Course Material:

The books „Schritt für Schritt A1.1“ and „Schritt für Schritt A1.2" will be used for the courses. There will be enough books available at the course locations for use during the sessions, but you are not allowed to write into these books. You can buy your own copy though.

Communication within the Group:

We will create Whatsapp groups for the language groups shortly before the start of the courses. The teachers and the childcare ladies will also be in this Whatsapp group. Therefore you must have a mobile phone number with a Whatsapp connection where we can reach you.

Data Protection:

By filling out the application form below, you will agree that the Mütter- und Familientreff Erlangen e. V. and the Projekt Heimat ERlangen may use your personal data in connection with the language courses "Deutsch-Offensive" for communication purposes, in particular for exchange via the WhatsApp platform as well as for reporting purposes.

Should you fulfill the requirements of the participation and you would like to join a course, please fill in the below application form.

for the German courses
"Deutsch-Offensive" Autumn 2024
offered by Projekt Heimat ERlangen

Conditions of participation:

I can read and write:
I know the Latin alphabet:

My data:

My gender:
My current official status in Germany:

My preferred course:

I would like to attend the following course:


I would like to have free childcare during the course sessions:


Where did you hear about our courses? Please choose one option.

Thank you for your interest in our courses and for submitting your application. Please note that this is not yet a registration. We will contact you shortly.

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